Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Half Way Thru Spring Break

Played golf today. It was beautiful weather. But, at around 10:00 or so, I heard what sounded like a sonic boom. Turns out it wasn't. An old friend of mine from Chula Vista knew the pilot. Sad.

Wife comes home Saturday. Little ones miss her. Youngest hates bath time with me for some reason. She just plays for about 3 minutes then starts crying. It makes Oldest mad and start crying too. Then I start crying... just kidding. But it makes me want to let Youngest wait until Sunday to get a bath. Probably not a good idea.

Didn't get much done so far during this vacation. I am supposed to read a book and write a 6 page "book report" on it for my masters class. It is due 4/4/09. I am on page 20 of 245. For some reason every time I pick it up, Oldest is in my face wanting to play, or eat or just bug me. Oh well. I also haven't even looked at the papers that I need to grade for school. Maybe on Sunday night after wife is back. Next week is going to be all about the Masters class.

Final random thought - I wish Sonic wasn't all the way in Palmdale. I love those Strawberry-Limeades. Could go for one right about now...

1 comment:

Ciarra said...

lol you rock. that plane story is really sad. erin will be back soon to help with the kids! i'm sure they are enjoying time with daddy though.