Monday, March 2, 2009


This guy used to be a Conservative Christian, but has changed his view. I disagree with him on multiple levels, but this paragraph angered me...

So, what is the problem with lying to our faces, say, claiming that all American's taxes are going up when 95% of American's taxes are going to go down? Why not claim Obama is a socialist, even if he's not? Why not say anything at all to drive our country into a pit when losing is seen as winning? That, is all the Republicans have to offer America: more lies on a path to destruction from which the Republican "leadership" plans to resurrect themselves and "save" America from Obama.
Conservatives are not lying.
Fact: Taxes in California ARE increasing. Fact: In order to pay for the Porkulus Package, SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it. It may not be me this year, but taxes WILL go up. They have to. The money doesn't just appear in the Gov't coffers.

Socialism by definition via wikipedia: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the Means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal opportunities for all individuals, with a fair or egalitarian method of compensation.

Aren't the bailouts, the banks being "rescued" by the government, the idea of "Universal Health Care", the "Fairness Doctrine", the "Freedom of Choice Act" all BY DEFINITION Socialist ideas? Then, by logical induction, Obama's financial policies are Socialist.

Not all conservatives are rooting for the policies to fail. That would be like saying I hope my car gets keyed in the parking lot so I can get a new paint job. I WANT the policies to work, but in the back of my mind, I don't think they will. So, I make the necessary life-changes to prepare for the worst. Then, if I am wrong, I am in good financial shape. If I am right, I am not in as bad of shape as I could have been.

And his attack of a Biblical Worldview is EXACTLY the problem with our society today. A Biblical worldview is looked upon as immature, unscientific, unreliable or even to some assanine. My faith in God drives my worldview, which says I should live my life in a way that glorifies God. My worldview in turn believes that there is only one Truth. There can be many falsehoods, but there cannot be many truths. Current Hedonistic/Materialistic worldview believe there is Relative Truth. Christianity is inherently Absolute. Jesus is the Truth, and all others are deceivers.

Finally, Schaeffer lists off things that he says ALL republicans believe. Let's answer a few of them.

Guns make you safe, They can be a huge deterrent to crime, but remember, Guns don't kill people, People kill People.

The earth is 6000 years old, I AGREE, as that is what the Bible tells me.
Gays are evil and dangerous, I DISAGREE. Gays are sinners in need of a savior. Their lifestyle is in conflict with a Biblical Worldview.
Iraq had something to do with 9/11 I don't know. I know Saddam was oppressing his people, and we could do something about it, and in turn, help make the world a safer place.
Obama is a Muslim, I DISAGREE. I trust him on his word that he is an evangelical, but I question his worldview, since he doesn't hold to Biblical truths.
Obama is a communist, I DISAGREE. Socialist is the more accurate.
Obama is the Antichrist, I DISAGREE. The Bible tells us that the AntiChrist will be a deceiver, and many will be deceived. While that part is true, he doesn't fit the rest of the Biblical descriptions of the AntiChrist.
Lowering taxes for the super rich would help the economy, UNSURE. But allowing them to put their money to work in business wouldn't hurt. Taxing them more only stifles growth. But I am not an economist, so I don't know for sure.
Deregulating banks leads to prosperity. I am not an economist, so I have no idea.
Jesus is coming back soon to take all the evangelicals to heaven leaving anyone who can walk in a straight line and chew gum at the same time on earth, Close. Jesus IS coming back soon to take all the BELIEVERS IN HIM AS SAVIOR. The implication that Christians cannot chew gum and walk in a straight line is also implying that all Christians check their mind at the door of the Church, which is ridiculous.
Sara Palin's only problem is that the "elite media" was unfair to her, Gov. Palin is human, which means she has plenty of problems. The problem was the other candidates were not examined using the same lens as Gov. Palin.
Every word of the Bible is true -- literally, FINALLY HE GOT ONE RIGHT, but not all Republicans believe this.
We don't need trains that work, infrastructure that functions and new energy, just Jesus... Well, we need Jesus, that is for sure, but our society still needs to function. I have no problem with conservation efforts, and improvements in commerce, infrastructure and SOME government is needed, but Not oodles and oodles of tax payer money going to support the others. The Biblical worldview says if you don't work, you don't eat.

Obviously, I am a staunch believer in the Biblical Worldview. And I believe that Fiscal reponsibility should be practiced by the Government, just like individuals are called to be. More government is not the way to a prosperous culture.

Sorry, Mr. Schaeffer, but we are becoming the New Rome yet I don't think ANY Republican wants to see the United States Fail. We want people to use their brains.

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