Thursday, November 12, 2009

More Random Stuff

* Having a Wednesday off is weird. Didn't want to get out of bed today. And then tomorrow is Friday. Weird.

* Short Term Independant Study is a joke in my school district. They are so hard up for the ADA that they approve students to go on Family vacations during the school year, missing oodles of class time and usually they don't even do the work that is supposed to make up for them being out of school. I have a request form on my desk for a girl that is leaving during Thanksgiving break (we get the whole week off) and not returning until January 12. She will miss the last 3 weeks of the semester, the district benchmark exam, my final exam and I have to find assignments that will allow her to learn the info on her own? Are you serious?? Wow.

* High School football playoffs start next week. I expect to be on the list to call games through the finals, but who knows. Sometimes what I think is wrong, but I think I am one of the better officials in our association. I am looking forward to when I can start moving into the college game.

* My Oldest child is ridiculously smart. We went to Wal-Mart yesterday to do our grocery shopping and she was starting to get bored. I picked her up and said, "Let's go read some signs." Aisle 7 (I think) contained the sign "Juice Concentrate" among others. Yeah, she got it right. First try too. Is it normal for a 4 1/2 year old to know that word on sight? I think she is reading at about a 3rd or 4th grade level, but I don't know for sure. I would love to give her one of those tests but I think she might get snarky and tell me wrong answers on purpose. Still, tons of fun.

* The USA is becoming the Roman Empire. It's okay to pass out "Call Girl" business cards on the strip in Las Vegas, but not okay for a large cross to be constructed on public land. It's okay for shows like "Dexter", "NCIS", "CSI" and "Sex in the City" to be on TV, but anyone mention Christianity and they are ostracised. Homosexual behavior is accepted, alcohol consumption encouraged, and pre- or extra- marital sex is not uncommon.

I pray that revival take hold in our country and to quote the Christian band Casting Crowns, "The people turn to Jesus; stop asking Oprah what to do."


1 comment:

Ciarra said...

Amen brother. Do college football and ref a USC game fairly! That'd be a first.