Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Most Ridiculous Week

So, starting sometime Sunday October 4, my facebook page went down for "Site Maintenance." It wouldn't allow me back in until sometime Monday October 12. I missed out on my birthday comments on FB and people thought I had "unfriended" them. Sad, I wouldn't drop someone as a friend. If I took the time to accept them once, I wouldn't delete them.

Then, Friday, BHO was named Nobel Laureate. For what, I think we are still trying to determine. For "changing the world-wide culture"? You mean, for letting the rest of the world know that we will just sit back and allow you to attack weaker countries? I am truly afraid for Israel (as well as the rest of the world) because Iran is preparing nuclear warheads. And what does BHO do? Essentially he says "Let's talk this out." He is more willing to talk to Ahmadinejad than any Fox News Anchor.

Finally, I heard today about a 6 year old little boy in Delaware that was suspended for bringing his Cub Scout camping utensil, which is a combination spoon, fork and knife, to school because he was so excited to be a Cub Scout. Turns out he violated the school's Zero Brain, er, sorry, Zero Tolerance Policy on weapons. HE'S SIX! HE WANTED TO EAT HIS LUNCH WITH HIS COOL GEAR! Please.... Here is the whole story if you are so inclined... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,564605,00.html?test=latestnews

Will post about football games next week.

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