Sunday, May 2, 2010

What is Blogging?

So, not like anyone really reads my blog, but I thought I would write a few notes today.

Oldest is sick and we think she might have contracted pink eye. Again. This is like 3 times in a year. Crazy. I think she rubs her eyes a lot because of allergies and then it becomes conjuctivitis. The mommy took her to urgent care tonight. Hope we get some med's to keep her healthy.

Youngest is sick too, but her laryngitis is getting better and she should be fine by Wednesday or so. I hope so because...

My parents are coming to visit!! They get here Tuesday afternoon and then we will go to my sister's for a 75th birthday party for my Dad on Friday! I love that guy, and am soooooo blessed to have him still around to experience our joy of our daughters. Mom too, of course, and I really look forward to spending some time with them!

Umpiring has been a blast. I haven't had very many zany plays, and all the weird stuff I have gotten right (one call albeit delayed, but still got it right.) I only have 3 more games this regular HS season, then I will call American Legion Baseball for a few weeks in the summer. I really enjoy the baseball more, but with Wednesday Bible Study at the house, that makes it tough to work on Wed's which is when most of the leagues play baseball around here.

Everytime I post on here I say I am going to post more often and then I don't, so I won't even say it this time. But on a brighter note, only 4 weeks of school left! I am looking forward to summer this year, moreso than last years.

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