Monday, September 28, 2009

The Week That Was

Some highlights of the last few days:
* My professor at seminary called upon a student for a question. As the questioner was about half done, the professor stops him and says, "Woah, I am sorry. I kinda dazed off there. Can you start over."
* Got to attend a Lutheran worship service Sunday morning. I took my Bible with me, and never needed it. EVERYTHING was scripted in the "bulletin" except the Pastor's sermon. It was quite weird.
* Had a play in Friday night's football game where the ball was spotted and we couldn't tell if it was a 1st down, so we called out the chains. It was an inch short on the 24 yard line going in. They punted. (They were winning 27-0 and it was early in the 2nd quarter. They won 27-7.)
* Youngest is growing like a weed. Taller than the pool table now, and is finally bumping her head on the foosball table handles. Funnier than that, she laughs when she poots.

Hope that the weather begins to change this week. It's supposed to be cooler on Thursday. I am ready for fall, and for our El Nino winter.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time to Get Back to Blogging

So, my new "goal" is to blog about my football games, my seminary class, and my daughters on a semi-weekly basis. (Like Saturday and Tuesday or something.)

In the mean time, I have to read about 60 pages, write a 1 page "summary" on that information, type out the lyrics to 10 songs and analyze their theology, all by Thursday night because I won't be home at all on Friday afternoon and evening and have class at 9:00 preceded by a 2 hour drive.

Also, I am AMAZED at how liberals think that raising taxes is good for the economy, for people, and the environment. Check out this knucklehead from the New York Times